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  Pine United Methodist Church・Japanese Speaking Division (Japanese American Church) in San Francisco has a Fulltime Japanese Language Ministry Fund. It is very difficult situation financially to continue to have an appointed pastor. For our life in the United States whose Mother language is Japanese, it is an immeasurably great support, when we go to church and the pastor say to us "hello" in Japanese, we can hear Lord's Message in Japanese, when ill in bed, the pastor comforts us in Japanese. We have this corner to raise funds. Please support us. The cards are created by Noriko Goto.
サンフランシスコにある日系教会、パイン合同メソジスト教会・日本語部ではフルタイム牧師基金というものがあります。 米国で日本語のフルタイムの牧師を任命していただき続けるということは資金面において大変困難な状況にあります。米国に暮らす母国語が日本語である私達にとりまして、教会で牧師から母国語で「おはようございます」と声をかけていただく、母国語で神のメッセージを聞くことが出来る、病に臥せっている時母国語で慰めの言葉をかけていただく、ということがどれほど大きな心のよりどころであり、心の癒しになるか計り知れないものがあります。 少しでもフルタイム牧師基金が集まりますようにと、このコーナーを設けました。カード制作者は後藤範子。

Card size:
the card size is 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"(includes an envelope).
Card size:

back side of card
Pine United Methodist Church
426 Thirty-Third Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
Phone(415)387-1800 Fax(415)387-1801
[Card donation go toward
Full-Time Japanese Language Ministry Fund]

Chirstmas Card
One set of 24 card..........$35.00

The set of cards can be the same or
assorted designs. The cards are blank inside
forthe Christmas Cards. If you prefer,
you can have
printed inside your own words
to express your feelings or thoughts.

Bible Image, Japanese Image and Other Image
One set of 3cards.............$5.00
One card.........................$2.00

Animation DVD
(20 minutes)
"Christmas Story" 2006.................................$5.00
"Jesus and John the Baptist" 2007..................$5.00
(5 minutes)
"In the beginning" 2007................................$5.00
(5.50 minutes)
"Passion To Resurrection"2010.....................$15.00
(10 minutes)
